Monday 7 January 2013

Problems with Filming

Continuing from our problems due to characters in our film, we are also finding it difficult to organize when we can all meet to film our music video. As we all have exams this month at different times and we have part time jobs too. We have decided to have a short photo shoot with Alice after all of our exams have finished which would be the 17th January; this allows us time to revise for other subjects.
We will then carry on filming and re-filming certain scenes in order to keep our filming up to date. During the period of our exams me and my group will be focusing on our ancillary tasks, one of us will create both ancillary tasks whilst constantly referring back to the group for feedback. We thought this would be easier as then the other two members of the group can focus on the music video and both pieces of work should be complete at the same time.

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