Thursday 14 February 2013

Changes to Music Video

After making a rough cut of a music video, we have encountered a few major issues to do with filming and continuity within our music video. Our main character Alice, decided to dye her hair darker which seriously effects the continutity of our entire music video. We thought of a few different ideas of how to come across this problem, such as re-doing the whole music video with Lauren as the main actress, changing the story line to show Alice dying her hair and changing the whole video altogether.
We decided against these ideas as if we conveyed Alice dying her hair it could work however we still need to reshoot some begining scenes and so the continuity would not work. Ultimatley, we decided to change the story line however still using Alice as our main character. Our new story line is less complicated and does not involve as many scenes as it did at first because we do not have enough time to reshoot everything.
Our new storyline still contains an ellipses of time and Alice self harming, however we have reduced the amount of different dilemmas that happen to Alice, and have linked all of her depression to her confusion to do with her sexuality and the fact that she is in love with her best friend who rejects her. We thought that this story line would be more understandable for the audience and they would understand what was happening throughout the whole video.

New Story Line:

Scene 1 - Black and White
Close up shots of Alice in the bath, looking upset and with make up smeared all of her face

Scene 2 -
Alice in school in an empty classroom, close up of her text messaging Lauren to meet her.
Alice then gets up and walks out of the classroom

Cut Away -
Black and white shot of the bath running

Scene 3 -
Reshoot of the lane scene as Alice is walking to meet Lauren

Cut Away -
Black and white Alice rubbing her make up off  in the mirror

Scene 4 -
Alice sitting on a bench (outside school) holding her phone, Lauren arrives and sits next to Alice.
Alice puts her hand on Laurens leg, and close up of her mouth saying 'I love you'.
Lauren looks at Alice in disgust, gets up and walks away leaving Alice on the bench, with her head in her hands crying.

Scene 5 -
Alice in her house, angry in her room throwing things around the room. Maybe ripping up photos of her and Lauren.
Goes into bathroom and starts to run a bath. (Same shot as cut away but in colour)

Scene 6 -
Getting in the bath, same face close up shots from begining scene. Close up of Alices face, hands etc
Final shot of Alice's hand hanging over the side of the bath with blood dripping off of it.

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