Monday 3 December 2012

Lighting Issues

All of our lighting will be natural lighting as our film is closely linked to realism. Here is some photo evidence to convey how we have experimented with inside light.

Firstly, we looked at how we could control inside lighting within the bathroom as the majority of our film will be located in this room. This image conveys the image with natural lighting with open blinds and main light switched off. This is rather dark and may affect our video.

By turning the light on we will be able to control the lighting more however this may look too artificial. As the light is quite small it gives a larger disadvantage as it gives the chance of more shadows in the room and this is a major problem as we do not want it to be obvious that we have filmed.

Another form of lighting in the bathroom is a small light next to the mirror where Alice will be standing in the film. We fear that the bright light near Alice’s face may give her a false sense of hope which will not work well within out video.

We also experimented with the blinds in the room. Closing them made the room too dark however if we open them we will be affected by outside weather conditions which are beyond our control.

By opening the blinds completely we were able to obtain a main source of light into our video. Whether it is sunny or not the whole room will always contain natural light from outside and will not add extra factors of chances of shadows. It is essential to maintain continuity throughout our video and so lighting is very important. 

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