Thursday 18 April 2013
















Saturday 6 April 2013


This is our finished music video:

Evaluation Question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?

Using new technologies throughout my work in media has been quite difficult to understand at some points as I have had to teach myself how to use many of the tools and ask other members of my class with programs such as Photo Shop and In Design - during the construction stages. I realized that by experimenting with my work and using different effects regularly I have been able to develop my understanding of the programs whilst helping other people in my class and group.

When filming our video as a group we had to use a video camera provided by the school which none of us had ever used before. At first we found it difficult as when we thought we were filming we were not and vice versa, however, after realizing this we quickly discovered that we needed to check after each few shots to make sure that we were actually recording. We also used a digital DSLR camera whilst filming to take photo evidence of our work which we found easy as we had all experienced using a digital camera when creating our coursework last year.

 During my coursework it has become exceedingly difficult at some points to use Blogger, as the videos and pictures take a while to upload and sometimes I found that my work was not being saved properly. I over came this problem by double checking continuously that my work was properly saved and that I had a back up of all of the videos and pictures on a memory stick to be sure that no work was lost during the blogging and posting of my coursework.

 During my evaluations I found it difficult to come to a quick understanding of how to use new media presenting products in such a short space of time. I would have liked to use a bigger variety in my work however, the tools and presentation methods I wanted to use required a signing up fee which I did not feel was necessary when completing my work. Overall, I feel that I have learnt how to use many different technologies whilst producing my coursework and I feel that as a group we have created good products which could be comparable to those in real media marketing.

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

In the presentation above I conveyed how we have compared our main product and ancillary texts. In my opinion I feel that the combination is very effective and in our feed back from our target audience the main thing commented on to do with the ancillary and main tasks being comparable was the colour scheme and the way in which Alice looks exactly the same in all of the products. We researched specifically the links between real media product video's, their album covers and the magazine adverts promoting them. We focused specifically on the colour schemes, layout and posing of the artist by looking at artists such as Adele and Rihanna we were able to base our own ideas around the one's from real media products.

We kept the font the same throughout both ancillary products all except from the 'A' on the front cover of the album which we did separate font research for and each decided that it was most suitable in our opinions for the final cover. It has been commented on that this was not to some people's favour, however as a group we have looked back at our research and decided that this was the best way to portray the layout and font that we wanted, the colour also is the only bright colour used on the album which we felt was effective as it is eye-catching to our target audience and stands out on the cover.

Overall, I feel that all of our main products link together as our main focus throughout the whole project was to keep strong continuity as we thought this was the most important factor when creating and promoting a product which could be sold in real media marketing.

Evaluation Question 3

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

Before I could answer this question I needed to obtain some feedback from our final products.

Magazine Advert:
I have uploaded a picture of our magazine advert onto twitter and tagged the other members of my group in the post to allow our followers to comment on our work. Lauren re-tweeted my message to allow her followers to comment on my post as well. The comments we received were useful and encouraging as they liked the product and felt that having a picture of our other ancillary task on the advert helped continuity with the song. They also liked the colours used which was a success.

CD Cover:

I have used an instant message app on my phone called 'WhatsApp' to ask my friends opinions on the CD cover and disk. The comments were good and they liked the overall product. The majority of the comments were focused on the colour scheme which we based around our research and so this was very rewarding knowing that we had made the right decisions during our planning stages.

I also used text messaging to send a photograph of the final CD cover and disk to my friends to get their opinions on our work. This was really useful and I received some good comments on the work we have produced. 

From this feed back I have been told that the covers work well together and the colours are useful within the presentation. The consistency of our products was something that we focused on intensely as we wanted our products to have strong continuity, as then they would look professional and link to real media products. By only having one photo shoot we were aware that we needed Alice to do as many facial expressions and movements as possible so that we had a wide variety of images to choose from. This has allowed us to have continuity throughout our work again. 

Music Video:

We will be posting our final video onto YouTube so that it is accessible for anybody to watch. I have recently asked family members and close friends to watch the music video and give us some feedback. These were the main points I received from the feed back:


I have also recorded some opinions of our music video, I made sure that the people I videoed were in our target audience:

Ashleigh Cusack:

Louisa Hurrell:

From this feedback I have become more aware of how our actresses acting was impacting our video. We were aware of this problem throughout filming as Alice kept looking into the camera during filming, however we tried to over come this by using short shots to focus more on her facial expressions and emotions rather than her acting skills.

Our video was successful from the point that viewers also noticed that Alice had the same clothing on in both ancillary tasks and the music video as this promotes strong continuity. I have also noticed that our products, the music video especially, links more towards females in our target audience of young people rather than males, this has worked to our advantage however as we attend an all girls school we were able to ask girls for their feedback as they were more understanding of the problems Alice faced during the video.

One individual also commented on the way in which in the ancillary tasks we used the same styles of shots however with different make up. I was glad that somebody noticed this as we planned before the photo shoot to have Alice in the same poses however after the initial few shots we changed her make up and during the video her make up changes and we wanted this effect in our ancillary tasks to reflect this as the music video we created was the main single song on the whole album.

As a group we discussed during the production of the video whether or not to put some scenes in black and white as it would link to some of our specific research, however we felt that this was not necessary because the video was set over one day rather than when we first planned it to be over a few days and so we did not have a long time ellipses in our video and we did not need to use the effect of black and white to portray the change in time to our target audience. We also felt after the production that the quality of the camera was not as good as it could have been, however due to our limitations with time and money we were unable to change this. In my own opinion I feel that the video could have been perceived better by our target audience if the camera quality was better, it would also be easier to compare to real media products as we would not have this factor in the way - we could just focus on different angles and shots. 

To conclude, I feel that we have had mostly positive feedback from our target audience and that we as a group are content with our final products despite some technical issues to do with camera quality which we could not control.