Saturday 6 April 2013

Evaluation Question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?

Using new technologies throughout my work in media has been quite difficult to understand at some points as I have had to teach myself how to use many of the tools and ask other members of my class with programs such as Photo Shop and In Design - during the construction stages. I realized that by experimenting with my work and using different effects regularly I have been able to develop my understanding of the programs whilst helping other people in my class and group.

When filming our video as a group we had to use a video camera provided by the school which none of us had ever used before. At first we found it difficult as when we thought we were filming we were not and vice versa, however, after realizing this we quickly discovered that we needed to check after each few shots to make sure that we were actually recording. We also used a digital DSLR camera whilst filming to take photo evidence of our work which we found easy as we had all experienced using a digital camera when creating our coursework last year.

 During my coursework it has become exceedingly difficult at some points to use Blogger, as the videos and pictures take a while to upload and sometimes I found that my work was not being saved properly. I over came this problem by double checking continuously that my work was properly saved and that I had a back up of all of the videos and pictures on a memory stick to be sure that no work was lost during the blogging and posting of my coursework.

 During my evaluations I found it difficult to come to a quick understanding of how to use new media presenting products in such a short space of time. I would have liked to use a bigger variety in my work however, the tools and presentation methods I wanted to use required a signing up fee which I did not feel was necessary when completing my work. Overall, I feel that I have learnt how to use many different technologies whilst producing my coursework and I feel that as a group we have created good products which could be comparable to those in real media marketing.

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