Saturday 6 April 2013

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

In the presentation above I conveyed how we have compared our main product and ancillary texts. In my opinion I feel that the combination is very effective and in our feed back from our target audience the main thing commented on to do with the ancillary and main tasks being comparable was the colour scheme and the way in which Alice looks exactly the same in all of the products. We researched specifically the links between real media product video's, their album covers and the magazine adverts promoting them. We focused specifically on the colour schemes, layout and posing of the artist by looking at artists such as Adele and Rihanna we were able to base our own ideas around the one's from real media products.

We kept the font the same throughout both ancillary products all except from the 'A' on the front cover of the album which we did separate font research for and each decided that it was most suitable in our opinions for the final cover. It has been commented on that this was not to some people's favour, however as a group we have looked back at our research and decided that this was the best way to portray the layout and font that we wanted, the colour also is the only bright colour used on the album which we felt was effective as it is eye-catching to our target audience and stands out on the cover.

Overall, I feel that all of our main products link together as our main focus throughout the whole project was to keep strong continuity as we thought this was the most important factor when creating and promoting a product which could be sold in real media marketing.

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