Tuesday 18 September 2012

Contingency Plan

It is essential that our product has a Contingency Plan. As we will be working on the project for a matter of months there are a variety things that could not go to plan and we need to be sure that we have a back-up plan just in case. We have picked out three main problems we may come across and have decided what we would do in case these problems occur and how we will overcome these issues.

 1. Problems with the actress:

Our main actress, Alice, will be needed throughout the whole of our filming and photographing. Possible problems which may arise are:

-          - She may be ill during the times we want to film
-          - She may not be able to make it to some of our filming as she could be busy with her own work
-          - She may decide she does not want to partake in filming anymore
-          - She may feel uncomfortable in front of the camera

Some of these issues are not as applicable as others. Alice have been used as a model for people previously and appears extremely keen to act for us. We do not feel that she would back out of the project as she knows how important it is. However, to control this, during out first filming we will ensure that she feels completely comfortable in front of the camera and let her know which scenes she will be in. If she id not happy with this, we can find another actress. We have also all discussed as a group that we would not mind being in the video if it comes to it.

We know that at times Alice will be busy with her own work. Being friends with Alice prior to this engagement, we will be sure to only book to film her when she is free and organise our filming around her schedule.

We want to film every Wednesday afternoon is possible. Me, Jessie, Lauren and Alice are free during this time as we all have free periods at school. Filming during school time will mean that Alice can still get home the same way and we will not cause her any issues.

2. What if we really do not like our product after filming?

We have discussed many ideas as a group and have decided on our final idea. However, it is always possible that we could begin to dislike our idea. If this were tio happen, we would need to have a group discussion.

Things we could do if we did not like our product:
-          - We could re-think our story board and if we have time, re film our video
-          - If we do not have time, we could think of ways to use the videos we have in order to create a different story
-          - We may have no choice but to use the videos, we would have to ensure editing is sound
       - We will need to try and change our ideas quickly in order to give us time to create new story boards.

3. What if our lighting is not good enough?

Due to our plan of filming a lot of scenes outside, it could become an issue that our lighting may vary and not be good quality at times. Due to us doing a lot of filming in winter, snow, rain and winds are very likely. This may make our different shots look noticeably different.

Thing we could do to try and control this:
- For each time we film, we could decide which scene to film based on the weather. If it is a snowy day, we will concentrate on filming the indoor scenes.
-  If the lighting is different each time we film outside, this will become very difficult to work around. However, we can do our best to fix this during the editing process.

Indoors, we will try to use the same type of lighting each time. Again, a lot of the lighting will be from a natural light such as sun through a window, therefore, some of the above issues could still apply. We could try to control this by using blinds, curtains and inner lighting.

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