Thursday 6 September 2012

Introduction of Initial Idea's

There were several choices to choose from in the A2 course. We could either make a documentary, a film trailer or a music video. The majority of my class have chosen to make a music video and so we decided to split into groups in order to split the work load equally between each other.
My group consists of myself, Jessie Plant and Lauren Simmons. After much discussion we came to the conclusion to make a music video about a troubled teenage girl, as we can easily relate to this scenario and it would be easy to find a main character as we go to an all girls school. We have decided not to use many characters as it would be difficult to organise meeting everybody together, and less confusing for the viewer.
Along with our music video we also have to create a CD cover for the track and a magazine cover featuring our chosen character. We have decided on using a less up to date song, and one we are more familiar with as we would understand the lyrics and know how to incorporate this into our work. We have chosen to use 'Less Than Perfect' By Pink, as this song contains a lot of strong emotive lyrics and we feel it would be quite simple to match actions to her song.

After watching the video many times, we came to the conclusion that our original idea was a lot like the actual video made by Pink, however we would like the change it slightly with different scenes. In the original script the story line is about looking back at your past, and as we have limited time and a select few people to use in our work, we will not be able to incorporate the ellipses of time into our work as the original does. However, the main story line being similar to ours could be seen as an advantage to our group as we can compare our ideas to the original, thoroughly, in order to produce a good quality music video.

We want to incorporate drug and alcohol use in to our video , as this is prominent in many of Pink's songs and lyrics. We feel it would better the story line of our video also, as it is relatable. However not as intense as the original, as we are aiming for our target audience to be regular teenagers.

This is the original music video for our chosen song:

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