Monday 17 September 2012


We are planning on having around five or six different locations in our music video; representing the five or six different scenes in the music video. We have established where we would like to ideally film each scene and hopefully this will all go to plan.

The environment we want our main character to live in would be quite dirty and messy. We want her to seem to come from a troubled background and so her Mother will be in this scene with alcohol and have the expression of anger and carelessness. Considering none of my group live in homes like this we will have to make an attempt to portray one of our houses to be untidy and unclean.

The classroom scenes should be more formal than the home scenes as the main character is at school and would be in a detention with her teacher. The room should look academic yet quite empty as no other students would be with her - which would aid to incorporate the feeling of this girl being isolated and alone. We will be using our school to film the 'school scenes' and so the corridors will be hopefully quite empty and this will allow us to film properly. We will be filming here first as this would be the easiest to re-shoot and edit.



The lane scene would be filmed in a dark lane, in the day time so it isn't really dark and so we wouldn't need lighting equipment. The lane we are filming in is quite dingy and rough-looking, this incorporates well with the girls emotional feelings of turmoil and discomfort.


The bedroom scene needs to be surrounded by empty bottles of alcohol and spilled pills, symbolising the main characters turmoil into an overdose. We really only need to film around the floor area as we planned for the camera to pan around the floor taking notice of all of the bottles. If we cannot find a suitable bedroom to film the ending scene in we could always use an empty room and give it the effect of a bedroom. 

1 comment:

  1. It would be nice to see some photographs of the locations.
