Thursday 18 October 2012

1st Editing - Lane Scene

We have decided to edit our music video on 'MoviePlus X3' and after we have all edited our chosen scenes we will add them all together in a final document.
 MoviePlus X3 allows me and my group to clearly cut and copy parts of our filming into our video and remove the parts which we feel are unnecessary. We 'import' all of our chosen shots into the document and proceed to 'drag' them down to the time line in order to create our video.
This print screen presents the time line in which our Lane Scene has been made, we were able to overlap the shots in order for the program to automatically fade each scene into one another which would give us great continuity in our work. There is a clear time indicator on the left hand side of the time line and this is helpful as it will allow us to be aware of the length of each scene and ultimately the length of our music video.



Learning to use this program was quite easy as the application has a clear layout and has coloured links conveying the use of all devices available to us. These links have been extremely useful as I was creating this scene, they enabled me to understand each aspect of the video and I am now aware of how to add text and captions into my work, which we may be using at a later stage.
The transitioning of our video will be visible throughout our editing, it is clear from our story board that we would like to use different types of transitions such as fading out. I will be creating the Lane Scene and so will try and present this in my work with editing.


This is my first attempt of editing the lane scene, I have used shots from both our first and second sets of filming. The only problem I have is that the shots from the first set of filming are darker than the second, and the continuity is not as clear as we filmed them on different days. We may have to go back and re shoot some sections to make them better.
The main area of focus which has been highlighted by people who have watched this scene are about the different colours of each shot. As we were unable to film the whole scene in one day, we had two separate filming shoots and unfortunately the weather from both days were slightly different, concerning the dark shadows and light influences in our chosen environment. 
Throughout the first 31 seconds of our lane scene the camera shots show a bright outside daylight and the colours are reflected well. During the shot we have decided to cut from a front and back shot of our main character to convey her from both angles to the audience. However, considering our limitations of time we were unable to shoot this at the same time and so have filmed them on different days, meaning that the two shots are different colours.

The second shot at 32 seconds portrays Alice taking off her blazer from a view behind her, unfortunately this shot is much darker to the first and has a 'blue' overcoat of colour. This could be because of the quality of camera we have used, despite it being the same on both days, although I think the main reason that this has happened would be the change in weather on both days of shooting. The shot in itself has good continuity however, the colours are the only thing preventing it from looking as realistic as possible.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good bit of proof of work. Can you supplement this with a few more images of the editing process?
