Monday 22 October 2012

Mise-en Scene

During the course of our video we will need a few props in order for our story to be realistic and make sense to an audience. Since we have chosen to focus our video around isolation of a young girl, and the influence of drug and alcohol abuse we will be using empty packet of pills and alcohol bottles to influence our video. We have been using 'Popplet' to plan which types of things we would need to bring with us to filming each scene, so far we have only shot one scene which did not need many props, however our other scenes are set in different environments and will need a variety of props.

The Bedroom Scene:
The starting scene of our video is the same as our ending scene, and so this will need the most cutting and editing. In this scene we are starting with a close up of empty alcohol bottles and pill packets scattered around Alice's bedroom floor, conveying her destruction. The camera will then pan around the room presenting Alice lying unconscious on the floor after an overdose. The scene will then fade to Alice being at school, starting the course of her 'bad day'. The props we will need in this scene are presented below:

The School Scene:
The school scene is the scene shown after the starter portrayal of Alice unconscious on the floor. It will begin with a shot of the whole class room and Alice being clearly alienated from the others, it will proceed to the teacher in a tilted view, almost like a worms a view shot, shouting at Alice from her point of view and this will then change to the teachers point of view so that the viewer can see Alice's expression. We will be switching the shots of Alice from different angles to convey how alone she is in the classroom. During this scene, we will be using our own media class in the video and out media teacher has agreed to acting in our video. We will need normal wooden desks, some books/folders, and pupils in the classroom.

The Home Scene:
After Alice walks out of school and storms down the lane, there will be a scene with Alice and her mum. Alice's mum is being played by a fellow media student, Ashleigh, who is seventeen although we will dress her to look older than her age. Considering that our video is centring the idea of abuse etc we decided to convey Alice's mum to be uncaring and also an alcoholic to show that this is an ongoing problem for Alice and not just a teenage tantrum. We have decided to have Ashleigh perched on a sofa, in a dressing gown and pyjamas surrounded by alcohol bottles and cigarettes. We feel that this will convey her attitude well, we may also be having a scene with Alice and Ashleigh having an argument. 

1 comment:

  1. This is strictly very early mise-en-scene research. I will need to see how it is all put together to be able to understand how the mise-en-scene is controlled by these elements.
