Thursday 25 October 2012

3rd Filming - Memory Scene and Alice Leaving School

After filming and editing the lane scene, we have decided to film two more scenes in our video. Firstly, we filmed Alice storming out of school after she had been shouted at by her teacher, we were unable to film the teacher scene at this moment due to complications with time however we have carried on to film a different scene in order to keep up with our work. Secondly, we decided to film the 'memory' section in our video which will be in black and white and will convey Alice and her friends on the common room having fun and enjoying herself at a better time.
These are the evidence photographs of our filming, these photographs convey my group filming Alice and her friends in the common room. We used different shots, such as tilt (from above) to get a birds eye view of the group talking, we panned around the whole group in a close up and placed the camera between two friends in order to get their view of Alice.


 We rearranged some photographs and posters in the common room to make it more tidy and acceptable to be in our video, these images are from current magazines and are situated around Kim Kardashian who is seen in the eyes of the majority of society as 'perfect'. This is ironic in our video as the song we are using is called 'less than perfect' and Alice during the video is deteriorating in her self confidence.
These are still shots of Alice and her friends in the scene.
Here are the videos we obtained during this section of filming:
We also filmed the section of Alice storming out of school, we decided that Alice should rip off her school badge from around her neck during this scene to convey her anger and bitterness towards the school and her situation. We filmed Alice walking out of a room at school leading her outside of school and walking angrily down a path.
Here are the first attempts at filming this scene:
We decided that each member of our group should get the chance to edit a different scene. This scene along with the in school scene are the ones which Lauren will be editing. I will blog these when it is complete. Overall, we are content with the filming we have done and hopefully we will not have to reshoot this scene as the footage we have so far is good.

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