Monday 8 October 2012


My group have joined a site called 'Popplet' which allows us to create and produce spider diagrams easily and all add our ideas at the same time from different computers. At first we found it confusing, but after a few minutes we made our own page and created many spider diagrams which helped us in making decisions to do with make up, hair and clothing research.
Here is the link to our page:
Whilst using Popplet we planned many other aspects of our music video which we found extremely useful to the overall researching, as we were all able to contribute at the same time.
We decided on the location of the scenes, which are all reasonable as they are mostly inside and so will not cause us problems when filming due to weather conditions. Only one of our scenes are to be filmed outside, however we are planning on filming this first to avoid dilemmas.
Although we had already had an idea of who would be in our music video, by putting it on Popplet helped us to visualise the amount of people that we would need and give them a definite character in out video.
We also used images of our characters to give us a rough idea of what to expect when we film them. We are planning to have Alice as our main character, Mrs McKenna as her teacher, Ashleigh as her mum and a few girls from our school common room in a memory scene to present Alice at a happier stage.
Planning our equipment was useful because it aided us in focusing on the particular products we would need in order to get the best out of our product. We still have props to add to this mind map such as empty alcohol bottles, tablet packets etc.

We planned the angles we wanted to use whilst on Popplet, as it gave us all a chance to input our own ideas. We have breifly discussed angles however this allowed us to establish the particular angles we want in our music video, and where abouts they should be placed. We will be continuing to add to Popplet in order to plan our ideas.

1 comment:

  1. I like the use of Poplet to present your planning. You need to develop the Poplet board further; fleshing out entries so that the planning is very thorough.,
