Monday 26 November 2012

Specific Photograph Research

I have started to look deeper into close ups and mid close ups of particular artists in order to give me ideas for my ancillary task of creating a CD cover. I have particularly looked at Ellie Goulding and her photo shoots, which I think will work well with our model, Alice. As they are both young and have blonde hair, we could also dress Alice to the same styling as Ellie Goulding if we wanted to use her as an icon.

These are the images I have been most interested in after researching:

I think the effect used in the two images above of the model moving and the camera capturing the picture to create the blurred image works really well and I think if I was able to create this for an album cover then it would hopefully be quite successful and I will try to achieve some type of research on how to do this soon on my blog as I feel it would be an interesting cover.

I like the close up shots in particular as they are more personal and I think they will work well with our music video song choice as the lyrics are personal and convey a lot of strong emotion. I think that the background in the photograph should be simplistic and not very busy as the main focus should be on the model and the message they are giving out with their song title. 

The main focus in the majority of these photographs of Ellie Goulding are her eyes and hair and I feel these are her main attributes and this could also work very well with our own model, Alice. Hopefully after this research I will be able to compare my own photographs to those I have researched to see whether or not I can fully achieve my ideas.

I have also done some minor research on an artist called Birdy, she is a fairly low key artist however I think that she has similar features to Alice and although they have different hair colours their hair styles are quite similar. Her album covers are also very simplistic, which I like as they convey a certain message to her audience.

Her expression in the photographs look quite solemn and naturalistic which I think is good as the song we have chosen to use is not very upbeat or too heavy. I particularly like the way in which her CD covers are presented with the main focus being on the image and the artist with the busy-ish background blurred out or just a plain background which allows the audience to focus just on the artist. The fonts used are very similar and I think that they fit well within the layout and I would appreciate being able to achieve something similar to this in my final product.

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff. I think you would benefit from one more stage of refinement in your research to get down to the nitty-gritty of what you want to achieve.
