Wednesday 21 November 2012

Update on planning and filming

After looking back at our own work and having feedback from our teacher, we are aware that the scene in which Alice and her mum have an argument is quite unclear. We want our music video to have continuity and run clearly with no confusion, and so we have decided to re shoot the scene, however as this scene follows on from Alice leaving school we will convey Ashleigh (Alice's mum/older sister) to be putting the phone down or receiving a message from the school as Alice enters so that the audience are aware of why she is so angry at her daughter. 
If this is unsuccessful we have been discussing whether or not to change this particular scene to one with Alice arguing with a boyfriend or group of friends. However, we are still undecided on this and will make a proper decision after we have tried our first idea, as we would like to stick to our original ideas.

The image above portrays how I have been communicating with my teacher through Blogger. Also in lessons me and my group have been receiving feedback on our filming and planning. So far, it has been quite successful however we are constantly trying to improve our work. 

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