Thursday 29 November 2012

Practicing Ancillary Tasks 1

After researching into the CD covers, I have begun looking further into the process and started to make basic covers which could be useful in our final product. I chose a random shot of Alice from the first go at filming just for practice. I decided to use Photo Shop to edit the background of the image, and then transfer the photograph onto In Design to add text. I will experiment with this photograph until we have our own photo shoot with Alice, as I need to practice so I am aware of what types of photographs I would want in the final product.
I have looked into copying the same picture next to each other so I can begin to look at copying different pictures on top of each other once I am able to do this properly.
This is my first attempt:

I am aware that this is not very good, however by copying the image back onto itself this has given me experience and I will now go on to try and copy other images onto the same photograph so I can be sure of what I would like my final ancillary product to look like.
I have continued to look at two different images from the first shots of filming as they are of Alice's face. I have used the 'clone tool' to copy one picture onto the other, however I am not pleased with the result, maybe once we have done a photo shoot and I have better photographs to work with it could look better, but at the moment I am unsure on this idea:
I think the images look to clear cut and messy, I will try and make it more transparent in my next attempt:
This image is a bit too close together in my opinion and I have now been made aware of how to layer images on Photo Shop and have managed to create this image below.
I have carried on to add a third image of Alice of her looking an opposite direction to match the one I have researched on Ellie Goulding:
The square outlines on the second and third layers is something I will ultimately change however, for a start I think that this is a good attempt and links well to my preliminary research into CD covers. I will continue to practice these ancillary task images until I am happy with the outcome.

1 comment:

  1. Good. Make sure you show your tools and how you made the work.
