Friday 9 November 2012

Time Ellipses in Music Video's

Considering that we have decided to use two time ellipses in our music video, we thought it would be a good  idea to convey our memory scene in black and white, as this would allow the audience to understand what was happening in our music video. The scene we are editing into black and white contains Alice in the common room with her friends at a happier stage in her life, I decided to research different types of music video's which use this aspect of time ellipses in their work to present how we would want ours to work.

I have researched into Katy Perry and her song 'The One That Got Away' the video portrays an older lady looking back on her life and the loss of her partner at a young age. The present day is shown in stark white colours compared to the past of her youth shown in some sepia tones and grey scale. The older character also has a sadness to her appearance which is in the present, this is useful as this is how we are presenting Alice in our video. Her past is being presented in a sepia tone in the Katy Perry video, her character is younger and happier in these scenes. We will be showing Alice at a happier time in our video and this will be clear from her change of clothes, her emotion towards others and the colour in which the video will be presented. Researching colours used in other music videos has allowed me and my group to fully understand the outcome of our decisions and we feel that this will work really well with our idea.

We will be using this in our own music video to represent Alice in a happier time compared to her current situation. The black and white scenes will convey Alice's memories, they will be shot at school with other girls in the common room. She will be wearing different clothes which will portray her to be in a different mood compared to the stark white shirt she is wearing in the rest of the music video.
We will be editing the clips of Alice in the bright colours into black and white to convey her memories, however it will still be clear to the audience that she is in opposing clothing. The final memory scene will be in all black and white, conveying Alice as follows:

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