Wednesday 27 March 2013

Creating the CD disk

As well as creating the front, back and spine of the album we also have to produce a CD disk to go inside the album case. We decided as a group to produce a simple disk which relates to both our music video and our Digi pack. As the majority of our Digi pack is black we decided to have a black disk with white writing. The font used is the exact same as the front and back cover which conveys our continuity throughout the ancillary tasks. 

After spacing out the text using the 'Character' box on In Design I was able to place the text at the top of the CD so it would be the first aspect of the disk that the audience would see. We used an extra white circle in the middle of the CD to break up the dark colour.

We prominently based our CD disk layout around the Rihanna 'Talk That Talk' CD disk as we thought this layout suited our theme best. The dark background matches our photographs and other ancillary task and by using the same fonts we are able to convey strong continuity. We have placed the name of the album and artist name in the same place as Rihanna however we have switched the two to make the album name more prominent as this is the main focus of the album and our music video. We also added the producer information and broadcasting details at the bottom of the CD covers copyright laws, this is a direct link to real media products.   

This is our final CD disk:

The plastic behind this CD disk will be clear with no colour because we do not want anything to distract the attention away from the CD disk - we also feel as a group that this would be the most professional outcome on our final product.

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