Tuesday 26 March 2013

Sketches of Digi Pack

In order to create the Digi Pack we have to sketch out our ideas, this would help us in the production of the product. We can decide on the layout of the product and the colours we want to use in order for the ancillary task to look as professional as possible.

The first drawing was a practice of a few of our ideas, the front cover conveys Alice covering her face with her hands and the back cover presents the song titles out in clear and a smaller picture of Alice sitting with her hands on her face at the bottom of the back cover. This cover is really simple however we decided against it as we wanted Alice's face to be visible on the album cover.

 The second sketch was more successful as we took a look back at the photo shoot and chose a photo to use. We want the photograph on the album cover to be in black and white as this will link to our previous research into album covers. We decided to have the title of the album spread out across the bottom of the case and Alice's initial in the top left hand corner. Alice is wearing the same make up and clothing as in the music video which conveys the continuity throughout our work as this single would be the main song in the album, as the title of the album reflects the song lyrics.

 The back cover on the album contains another photo of Alice in black and white, similar to the frontal image. However in this image Alice has smeared make up and a saddened emotion on her face. We chose this image as it links directly to the music video. We also decided to place Alice's name vertically on the back cover as her name was not featured on the front cover, it also links to the way Adele prints her name on the back of her cover. The background will be black and the song titles will be in white using the same font throughout the digi pack.

The actual CD disk we decided should be fairly plain, much similar to the disks we have been researching. We decided to use a gradient effect from black to white/grey to make the disk look more original rather than all black and for it to still link together with the case. We have strong continuity too as the album title and Alice's name will be placed on the disk using the same font and spacing technique.

The inside of the Digi Pack will be clear; as well as the space behind the CD disk and we feel this would be the most professional way to present our final product. We will not be having another photo or a colour as it is unnecessary and we think it will look better without this.

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