Wednesday 20 March 2013

Looking into Camera Angles

After editing the bench seen it has been made aware that in some of the shots Alice looks to be in control. For example when the camera is below Alice she is the most important figure in the shot however to the audience she seems  dominant, which we do not want her to be. If we have the camera facing down on Alice, it would belittle her and prove her to be the inferior character; which would go well with our story line of Alice being confused and unsure of her current situation. The majority of scenes in music videos and films are eye level when two characters are having a conversation, although when there is a power imbalance the camera angles change to make the situation clearer to the audience.
Here are some shots from our previous filming, they convey Alice being the dominant character within the scenes. This is clear to the audience as Alice seems to be closer to the camera and the main focus.

We now need to re film the bench scene and be sure to shoot the filming with the camera facing down on Alice to convey her to be the inferior character. 

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