Monday 11 March 2013

Editing Bench Scene

I have started to edit the bench scene, however due to the constant cloudy weather some shots were brighter than others and the angle of the camera was lower than what we had expected so we will have to re shoot this scene for the continuity to be understandable.
The scene starts with Alice walking to a bench outside her school, she then sits and waits for her friend to turn up. The camera will focus closely in close up shots on Alice's face in this section to convey her inner turmoil and confusion within her life. Jessie then arrives and sits next to Alice, and Alice puts her head in her hands and Jessie comforts her. The camera will then show a two shot of the girls talking and Alice telling Jessie that she loves her, we then will see Jessie's reaction shot and then she walks away out of the cameras view, leaving Alice sitting alone on the bench.
Creating the bench scene:

I began by editing together the two or three shots we achieved of Alice walking past the cars along the road. I found this tricky as when one member of our group was filming the other two kept accidentally getting in the shot of the camera and so only a few seconds of each shot were usable.

The shots of Alice sitting on the bench were good however the cloud covered up the sun every few minutes so we had to film quickly in order for all of our shots to be in the shade, otherwise Alice had the sun in her eyes and the shadows were over taking the shots. We will have to re shoot this section of the scene as some shots are bright and some are dull.

The close up shots of Alice went well however we may need to re shoot them as she moves her head too quickly compared to when she was sitting still and the continuity does not work well. The camera angle is tilted down at her to convey her loss of control and inner turmoil.

The follow shot of Jessie walking towards Alice was quite successful however we were informed that it would look better if Alice was visible throughout the whole shot to convey her importance within the situation, and so we will have to re shoot this as well.

Jessie's reaction shot after Alice has revealed her feelings was quite good considering our short notice of changing the story line. We were planning on using a few extra close up shots of thigns such as Alice speaking, and Jessie's face as this would portray the story line to the audience in a clearer way.

The whole scene in SerifMovieX3 contains sections which need to be added which can be seen in this screen shot. We will continue to re shoot until the scene is complete without any dsifigurment of the light and dark.

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