Wednesday 13 March 2013

Filming New Ideas 2

As the first set of filming lacked continuity we have organised to film the scenes again. We will film the whole music video start to end over two days and hopefully we will have completed our work by then and not have to re shoot anything else. We are sharing out our editing of the filming equally so that each member of our group gets a chance at making decisions with our work, and after we sit together as a group and watch them back whilst correcting each other to make sure that we have the best quality work possible.
Here are the shots we obtained whilst filming:

The Bench Scene:
This scene involves Alice walking down the road to a bench where she plans on meeting her friend. She holds her phone as she walks down the road to convey continuity within our work. The camera then has a close up shot of Alice's phone as her friend has replied to her text agreeing to meet her. Alice then sits on the bench and waits for her friend. Whilst she is waiting the camera has a sequence of close up shots of Alice's face which builds up tension in the video and allows the audience to become aware of how isolated and alone Alice feels at this time. Alice's friend, Jessie, then arrive and the camera will do a follow shot/over the shoulder shot of her so that Alice is still in view of the camera. As Jessie sits down Alice puts her head in her hands and Jessie comforts her. Alice then raises her head and tries to hold Jessie's hand/stroke her leg and this makes Jessie feel uncomfortable, we then have a reaction shot from Jessie. The camera then has an extreme close up of Alice's mouth as she says 'I Love You' to Jessie. Jessie then stands  up and walks away, rejecting Alice and leaving her sitting on the bench alone, in distress.

As you can see, we could not use these. Shown below is the clips of Alice touching Jessie's hand and Jessie's reaction.


Reaction from behind:

Jessie (Close up reaction):

The Bath Scene:
Throughout the whole video there will be cut aways in black and white of the bath scene to portray Alice's future within the video. Alice walks into the bathroom and immeadiatley runs the bath. She then turns to the mirror and looks at herself, whilst running the sink tap and rubbing her face with water, so that her make up is smeared and messy. The camera will convey close up of Alice's hands and face to the audience so that they are aware of her mental state. Alice will then turn to the bath and turn the taps off. She then steps into the bath fully clothed and lays down. After looking around warily and crying, Alice ducks her head under the water and tries to stay there however she ultimatley comes out of the water. The camera will show shots of Alice from close up, over the shoulder and eye level so that the audience are aware of her state.

Next, we wanted to do our first shooting of Alice in the bathroom. 

Coming in the door we shot her from all different angles:

From the front:

Follow shot:

The video above is not successful as Alice goes to the taps before going towards the bath. This did not maintain continuity. 

The one shown below was more successful: 

Shown below is close up and extreme close up shots of Alice when she is taking her make up off. We wanted these close ups to convey her emotions:


We also shot some videos through the mirror. One is shown above and one below: 

We then decided to take videos of the running taps. To set the scene.

Filming Alice getting into the bath was crucial as we could only do it once:

This was also the same with Alice going under the water as if she did it again the video would not have continuity.

Birds eye view:

Side view: 

We are happy so far with this filming however at some points Alice accidentally looks into the camera which is a problem and we will need to re shoot those shots. Overall filming is going well and we are on target to achieving a good music video.

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