Wednesday 20 March 2013

Further Specific Research: Digi Pack

I have continued to look further into the making and presenting of digi packs and as a group we have made a decision of how we would want the photograph of Alice on the front to look. We have considered the meaning of the actual music we are using by evaluating the lyrics and have come to the decision that the front cover should be in black and white as this will link back to the actual video we have produced with the black and white scenes. As it is a digi pack and the CD will have other songs, and so the cover will have to link to the other songs as well. Considering that the song we are using is called 'Less Than Perfect' and the ending is optimistic, we are still going to have quite a depressed and belittled image on the front cover of Alice as the lyrics are meaningful and the main theme of the song we are using focuses on self harm, and so the other songs on the album are likely to be similar.
I have begun further research into black and white CD covers and photographs:
This cover is of Avril Lavigne conveys a feeling of depression because of her facial expression and the font used. My group and I like the idea of using a dominant colour on the photograph however this would not link well with the continuity of our music video.

The way that Duffy is positioned on this cover is much similar to how we are planning to position Alice, as it conveys an element of hopelessness and inferiority. The font used at the top of the cover looks like hand writing or a signature with is quite effective, whereas the font used at the bottom of the cover is harder and more distinctive. On our music cover we are planning on using the same few fonts as this would keep continuity solid throughout our work.

The cover from Wretch 32, although he is male, conveys distress. He is facing to the side which presents an element of secrecy. Having his eyes closed portrays a feeling of distress as well, because he looks unhappy. The font being in a rectangle box in the corner looks quite boring and almost like a stamp. I don't think this style of font would be beneficial to our work.

Rihanna's album cover is simple in black and white, although her facial expression is not quite like we have planned for Alice. She looks energetic and has a lot of expression, however we wanted Alice to have a blank expression or even have her face covered by her hands to convey her shame. The font used is effective as the 'R' links to Rihanna as an iconic symbol. I like the idea of having the artists name and the album name separate or conveyed separatley on the cover.

This cover from Adele is simple and her expression of holding her head up in her hands with a cigarette conveys her emotion and the lyrics in the album well. By using a plain font allows the audience to become aware immeadiatley of the cover and the colour change in the title of the album goes well with the rest of the image. One of our ideas was to use Alice holding her face in her hands in the image to convey distress and this image will be useful when comparing our work back to research.

This is the back of Adele's CD cover and the theme of black and white is carried throughout which works really well. A different image is used which conveys Adele looking more glamorous and looking down. We will be using more than one image of Alice, however we want her to look similar in both photographs for the steady continuity in our work.
After looking further into album covers and digi packs we are ready to photograph Alice, as we are now aware of which angles to use and how to position the camera in order to get the best shots possible.

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